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Item Information

snippet: Shallow-landslide susceptibility zones were established from locations of shallow-landslide deposits and their associated head scarps, factor of safety calculations, and buffers. The symbology on this map includes high, moderate, and low susceptibility zones. The susceptibility zones were established from locations of shallow landslide deposits and their associated head scarps, factor of safety calculations, and buffers following protocol developed by Burns and other (2012)
summary: Shallow-landslide susceptibility zones were established from locations of shallow-landslide deposits and their associated head scarps, factor of safety calculations, and buffers. The symbology on this map includes high, moderate, and low susceptibility zones. The susceptibility zones were established from locations of shallow landslide deposits and their associated head scarps, factor of safety calculations, and buffers following protocol developed by Burns and other (2012)
extent: [[-123.555440044982,45.0686527455557],[-121.804471609558,46.1415923838041]]
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: Shallow-landslide susceptibility zones were established from locations of shallow-landslide deposits and their associated head scarps, factor of safety calculations, and buffers. The symbology on this map includes high, moderate, and low susceptibility zones. The susceptibility zones were established from locations of shallow landslide deposits and their associated head scarps, factor of safety calculations, and buffers following protocol developed by Burns and other (2012)
title: ShallowSusceptibility
type: Map Service
tags: ["LUP"]
culture: en-US
name: ShallowSusceptibility
guid: A1D8BA44-19F2-4638-85C2-4EC02EB18F43
minScale: 0
spatialReference: NAD_1983_StatePlane_Oregon_North_FIPS_3601_Feet