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Item Information

snippet: The deep susceptibility zones were established based upon location and proximity to deep landslide deposits and head scarps, buffers along the landslide head scarps, susceptible geologic units, slope angles, and mapper judgement following protocol developed by Burns (2008) DOGAMI
summary: The deep susceptibility zones were established based upon location and proximity to deep landslide deposits and head scarps, buffers along the landslide head scarps, susceptible geologic units, slope angles, and mapper judgement following protocol developed by Burns (2008) DOGAMI
extent: [[-123.555440044982,45.0686527455557],[-121.805044369298,46.1415923838041]]
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: The symbology in this map includes high and moderate susceptibility zones, with low zones exluded. The deep susceptibility zones were established based upon location and proximity to deep landslide deposits and head scarps, buffers along the landslide head scarps, susceptible geologic units, slope angles, and mapper judgement following protocol developed by Burns (2008)
title: DeepSusceptibility
type: Map Service
tags: ["landslide"]
culture: en-US
name: DeepSusceptibility
guid: A49AFDD8-7AC0-4DC4-BFD5-6F4B9159F52C
minScale: 0
spatialReference: NAD_1983_HARN_Oregon_Statewide_Lambert_Feet_Intl