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Service Description: This service is a component of the Road Services Desktop Web Map, and was created to facilitate user friendly access to Asset Management GIS data through a web browser. The maps intended use is for quick development of simple maps for day to day tasks, field work, and sharing of GIS data with interested parties.
Map Name: Layers
All Layers and Tables
County Mile Posts (282) (0)
County Mile Posts (564) (1)
County Mile Posts (1128) (2)
County Mile Posts (2257) (3)
County Mile Posts (4514) (4)
County Mile Posts (288895) (5)
County Half-Streets (1:282-2,257) (12)
County Half-Streets (1:4514) (13)
County Half-Streets (1:9,028-36,112) (14)
County Half-Streets (1:72,224) (15)
County Half-Streets (1:144,448) (16)
County Half Streets (1:288,895) (17)
County Maint. Districts (1:282 - 72,224) (18)
County Maint. District (1:144,448-288,895) (19)
County Truck Routes (1:282) (20)
County Truck Routes (1:564) (21)
County Truck Routes (1:1,128) (22)
County Truck Routes (1:2,257) (23)
County Truck Routes (1:4,514) (24)
County Truck Routes (1:9,028) (25)
County Truck Routes (1:18,056) (26)
County Truck Routes (1:36,112) (27)
County Truck Routes (1:72,224) (28)
County Truck Routes (1:144,448) (29)
County Truck Routes (1:288,895) (30)
County Truck Routes (1:577,791) (31)
Adopt a Road (1:282) (32)
Adopt a Road (1:564) (33)
Adopt a Road (1:1,128) (34)
Adopt a Road (1:2,257) (35)
Adopt a Road (1:4,514) (36)
Adopt a Road (1:9,028) (37)
Adopt a Road (1:18,056) (38)
Adopt a Road (1:36,112) (39)
Adopt a Road (1:72,224) (40)
Adopt a Road (1:144,448) (41)
Adopt a Road (1:288,895) (42)
Adopt a Road (1:577,791) (43)
Road Width (44)
Maintenance Zone (45)
Road Width (46)
Maintenance Zone (47)
Road Width (48)
Maintenance Zone (49)
Road Width (50)
Maintenance Zone (51)
Road Width (52)
Maintenance Zone (53)
Road Width (54)
Maintenance Zone (55)
Road Width (56)
Maintenance Zone (57)
Road Width (58)
Maintenance Zone (59)
Road Width (60)
Maintenance Zone (61)
Road Widths (62)
Maintenance Zone (63)
Road Widths (64)
Maintenance Zone (65)
County Road Surface Type (1:282) (66)
County Road Surface Type (1:564) (67)
County Road Surface Type (1,128) (68)
County Road Surface Type (1:2,257) (69)
County Road Surface Type (1:4,514) (70)
County Road Surface Type (1:9,028) (71)
County Road Surface Type (1:18,056) (72)
County Road Surface Type (1:36,112) (73)
County Road Surface Type (1:72,224) (74)
County Road Surface Type (1:144,448) (75)
County Road Surface Type (1:288,895) (76)
County Road Surface Type (1:577,791) (77)
Surface Seals and Overlays (1:282) (78)
Surface Seals and Overlays (1:564) (79)
Surface Seals and Overlays (1,128) (80)
Surface Seals and Overlays (1:2,257) (81)
Surface Seals and Overlays (1:4,514) (82)
Surface Seals and Overlays (1:9,028) (83)
Surface Seals and Overlays (1:18,056) (84)
Surface Seals and Overlays (1:36,112) (85)
Suface Seals and Overlays (1:72,224) (86)
Suface Seals and Overlays (1:144,448) (87)
Surface Seals and Overlays (1:288,895) (88)
Surface Seals and Overlays (1:577,791) (89)
Historic Surface Seals (1:282) (90)
Historic Overlays (1:282) (91)
Historic Surface Seals(1:564) (92)
Historic Overlays (1:564) (93)
Historic Surface Seals (1,128) (94)
Historic Overlays (1,128) (95)
Historic Surface Seals (1:2,257) (96)
Historic Overlays (1:2,257) (97)
Historic Surface Seals (1:4,514) (98)
Historic Overlays (1:4,514) (99)
Historic Surface Seals (1:9,028) (100)
Historic Overlays (1:9,028) (101)
Historic Surface Seals (1:18,056) (102)
Historic Overlays (1:18,056) (103)
Historic Surface Seals (1:36,112) (104)
Historic Overlays (1:36,112) (105)
Historic Suface Seals (1:72,224) (106)
Historic Overlays (1:72,224) (107)
Historic Suface Seals (1:144,448) (108)
Historic Overlays (1:144,448) (109)
Historic Surface Seals (1:288,895) (110)
Historic Overlays (1:288,895) (111)
Historic Surface Seals (1:577,791) (112)
Historic Overlays (1:577,791) (113)
County Roads (1:282) (114)
County Roads (1:564) (115)
County Roads (1,128) (116)
County Roads (1:2,257) (117)
County Roads (1:4,514) (118)
County Roads (1:9,028) (119)
County Roads (1:18,056) (120)
County Roads (1:36,112) (121)
County Roads (1:72,224) (122)
County Roads (1:144,448) (123)
County Roads (1:288,895) (124)
County Roads (1:577,791) (125)
Guardrails (1) (126)
Guardrails (2) (127)
Guardrails (3) (128)
Guardrails (4) (129)
Guardrails (5) (130)
Guardrails (6) (131)
Guardrails (7) (132)
Guardrails (8) (133)
Guardrails (9) (134)
Guardrails (10) (135)
Guardrails (11) (136)
Incident Routes (1:282) (137)
Incident Routes (1:564) (138)
Incident Routes (1:1,128) (139)
Incident Routes (1:2,257) (140)
Incident Routes (1:4,514) (141)
Incident Routes (1:9,028) (142)
Incident Routes (1:18,056) (143)
Incident Routes (1:36,112) (144)
Incident Routes (1:72,224) (145)
Incident Routes (1:144,448) (146)
Incident Routes (1:288,895) (147)
Owner Maint. Poly (1:282-564) (148)
Owner Maint. Poly (1:1,128-2,257) (149)
Owner Maint. Poly (1:4,514-9,028) (150)
Owner Maint. Poly (1:9,028-36,112) (151)
Owner Maint. Poly (1:288,895) (152)
PCI (1:282) (153)
PCI (1:564) (154)
PCI (1:1,128) (155)
PCI (1:2,257) (156)
PCI (1:4,514) (157)
PCI (9,028) (158)
PCI (18,056) (159)
PCI (36,112) (160)
PCI (1:72,224) (161)
PCI (1:144,448) (162)
PCI (1:288,895) (163)
RAZ (1:282) (164)
RAZ (1:564) (165)
RAZ (1:1,128) (166)
RAZ (1:2,257) (167)
RAZ (1:4,514) (168)
RAZ (1:9,028) (169)
RAZ (1:18,056) (170)
RAZ (1:36,112) (171)
RAZ (1:72,224) (172)
RAZ (1:144,448) (173)
RAZ (1:288,895) (174)
Functional Class (1:282) (175)
Functional Class (1:564) (176)
Functional Class (1:1,128) (177)
Functional Class (1:2,257) (178)
Functional Class (1:4,514) (179)
Functional Class (1:9,028) (180)
Functional Class (1:18,056) (181)
Functional Class (1:36,112) (182)
Functional Class (1:72,224) (183)
Functional Class (1:144,448) (184)
Functional Class (1:288,895) (185)
Snow and Ice Routes (1:282) (186)
Snow and Ice Routes (1:564) (187)
Snow and Ice Routes (1:1,128) (188)
Snow and Ice Routes (1:2,257) (189)
Snow and Ice Routes (1:4,514) (190)
Snow and Ice Routes (1:9,028) (191)
Snow and Ice Routes (1:18,056) (192)
Snow and Ice Routes (1:36,112) (193)
Snow and Ice Routes (1:72,224) (194)
Snow and Ice Routes (1:144,448) (195)
Snow and Ice Routes (1:288,895) (196)
streets_rlislitemc (197)
Copyright Text:
Spatial Reference:
Single Fused Map Cache: false
Initial Extent:
XMin: 7520424.554926529
YMin: 668164.2928505666
XMax: 7890997.471593195
YMax: 815299.7095172328
Spatial Reference: 2913
Full Extent:
XMin: 7580854.000188707
YMin: 651191.4377678935
XMax: 7863522.999790894
YMax: 760010.1250593404
Spatial Reference: 2913
Units: esriFeet
Document Info:
Title: Transportation Layers
Author: Chet Hagen
Comments: This service is a component of the Road Services Desktop Web Map, and was created to facilitate user friendly access to Asset Management GIS data through a web browser. The maps intended use is for quick development of simple maps for day to day tasks, field work, and sharing of GIS data with interested parties.
Subject: The maps intended use is for quick development of simple maps for day to day tasks, field work, and sharing of GIS data with interested parties.
Keywords: DCS,Roads
AntialiasingMode: Normal
TextAntialiasingMode: Force
Supports Dynamic Layers: false
MaxRecordCount: 1000
MaxImageHeight: 4096
MaxImageWidth: 4096
Supported Query Formats: JSON, AMF
Min Scale: 0
Max Scale: 0
Child Resources:
Supported Operations:
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