ArcGIS REST Services Directory

Legend (Countywide/EastCoRevitalization)

Bus Lines (0)
Frequent Service
Regular Service
Light Rail (1)
Multi-Family Housing Inventory (2)
2 - 25
26 - 78
79 - 162
163 - 289
290 - 608
Commercial and Mixed Use Zoning (3)
Commercial Zoning
Mixed Use Residential
Free and Reduced School Lunch Rates 2013-2014 (4)
2% - 18%
19% - 43%
44% - 67%
68% - 81%
82% - 95%
High School Diploma/G.E.D. or Equivalent or lower (5)
0% - 14%
15% - 25%
26% - 37%
38% - 49%
50% - 64%
Children in Foster Care (6)
1 - 21
22 - 38
39 - 59
60 - 103
Low Birth Weights, 2012 (7)
0 - 1
2 - 3
4 - 5
6 - 9
10 - 15
Teen Births, 2012 (8)
0 - 1
2 - 3
4 - 5
6 - 8
9 - 12
Mental Health Cases Served by Multnomah Co. (9)
0% - 1%
3% - 2%
3% - 4%
5% - 7%
Part 1 Violent Crime, 2013 (10)
0 - 12
13 - 27
28 - 49
50 - 82
83 - 179
Gang Activity, flagged crime incidents in Oct. 2013 - Oct. 2014 (11)
0 - 2
3 - 7
8 - 14
15 - 22
23 - 38
DCJ Adult Supervision (12)
0% - 0.5%
0.6% - 0.9%
1% - 1.5%
1.6% - 2.4%
2.5% - 4.8%
DCJ Juvenile Supervision (13)
0% - 0.3%
0.4% - 0.9%
1% - 1.7%
1.8% - 4%
4.1% - 14.3%
Low Voter Registration (14)
13% - 37%
38% - 49%
50% - 59%
60% - 66%
67% - 76%
Median Household Income (15)
$0.00 - $35,625.00
$35,625.01 - $49,660.00
$49,660.01 - $65,938.00
$65,938.01 - $94,500.00
$94,500.01 - $148,832.00
Renter Occupied Housing (16)
0% - 22%
23% - 37%
38% - 51%
52% - 67%
68% - 85%
Unemployment (17)
0% - 4%
5% - 6%
7% - 8%
9% - 11%
12% - 15%
Receiving Medicaid/WIC (18)
0 - 6
7 - 15
16 - 27
28 - 47
48 - 94
Receiving SNAP Benefits (19)
0% - 8%
9% - 15%
16% - 24%
25% - 34%
35% - 57%
Single Parent Households (20)
0% - 4%
5% - 8%
9% - 12%
13% - 18%
19% - 24%
English Not Spoken Well at Home (21)
0% - 2%
3% - 5%
6% - 9%
10% - 15%
16% - 28%
Populations of Color, Density/Acre (22)
0.5 - 1.2
1.3 - 1.6
1.7 - 2.0
2.0 - 2.3
2.4 - 3.1
% African American (23)
0% - 5%
6% - 10%
11% - 15%
16% - 25%
26% - 31%
% Asian (24)
0% - 2%
3% - 5%
6% - 10%
11% - 15%
16% - 33%
% Hawaiian Native or Pacific Islander (25)
0% - 1%
3% - 4%
5% - 6%
% Hispanic or Latino (26)
0% - 5%
6% - 10%
11% - 15%
16% - 25%
26% - 36%
% Native American/AK Native (27)
4% - 5%
% White (28)
47% - 65%
66% - 75%
76% - 85%
86% - 90%
91% - 100%
Total Population (29)
2 - 2498
2499 - 3813
3814 - 5099
5100 - 6784
6785 - 9887
% Below Federal Poverty Level, 2000 (30)
0 - 6
7 - 12
13 - 18
19 - 30
31 - 62
% Below Federal Poverty Level, 2013 (31)
0 - 9
10 - 16
17 - 23
24 - 31
32 - 46
High Risk of Marginalization Composite Index (32)
23 - 28
29 - 33
34 - 37
38 - 42
43 - 50
Tapestry Segmentation 2015 ESRI (33)
Race and Ethnicity Combined (34)
0% - 11%
12% - 18%
19% - 26%
27% - 36%
37% - 58%
Receiving SNAP Benefits 2014 (35)
0 - 8
9 - 16
17 - 25
26 - 35
36 - 60